• infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    11 months ago

    Fyi this is how all territory, on the planet, was acquired.

    Literal fascist talking point, and baby-level understanding of history.

    You'd do well to remember that Mao never fought outside of China.

    Remember ghengis Khan? The whole shape of China is the result of MASSIVE imperialism and conquest.

    Congratulations, you know 1 fact about Asian history. Meanwhile, 90% of Chinese live in lands that were part of the Han state, 1500 years before Genghis.

    No one here is saying that Communist China or the USSR didn't make mistakes. If you compare them to the west, the difference is that after the first 30 years, you no longer had famines in the socialist countries. The capitalist countries, however, still had famines an embarrassing length of time after their founding- although some of that was deliberate colonial violence like the Winston Churchill administration stealing and withholding grain from Bengal as redundant strategic reserves, and killing 5 million people in just a few years.

    If you see history as anything more than a collection of random facts, you can apply patterns to things that you can draw conclusions from- like "socialist states have vastly outperformed capitalist states in terms of relative development and improvements in general welfare".