I need to get some sleep, but

  • The extremely online lib comentariate are basically putting on an "I'm a bleeding heart liberal and I care about people costume" because they like being part of that culture. They like the food, the music, they like NPR, they like suits that fit and long meetings

  • The majority of libs are hopelessly lost. They're stuck in this hyperreal whatever the fuck of politics, culture, media. They care about people, or they want to care about people, but they're so mired in media lies and distortions they have no real concept of what is real - They're still seeing "40,000 killed in Gaza", they're seeing "Uighur Genocide". They're seeing their leaders go on and on about immigrants, or Hamas, or whatever teh fuck idk I don't watch their news. But the important thing is; They don't know what is or isn't real. They don't have the skills, allies, or knowledge to sift through the bullshit.

  • and then there's a tiny layer of dregs down at the bottom of the barrel of nerds and perverts, us, who are obsessive about politics and information, who talk to people across the world, who are reflexively hostile to authority enough to try and i hope to god succeed in trying to pull some kind of actual picture of what's really happening together.

But the Libs are paralyzed, unable to act, and trapped in their cycle of ritually voting then spending 4 years wondering why things aren't getting better because they either have no grounding in reality at all, or because they cannot tell what is real and what isn't anymore. It's not even just propaganda and lies, it's an inability to know that there is a real world that could be obscured by propaganda and lies.

IDfk, but there's some big scale, big picture fuckery happening that turns people in to whatever the fuck is happening out there. I'm goinjg to bed.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    2 hours ago

    ANd if they don't do those things they really do think the world will end, right up until it doesn't and the usual "I have recieved a revelation, hte apocalypse is actually next tuesday" bullshit kicks in. (this is the most important election. Okay actually this is the most important election. Okay actually this is the most important election. They're always on the cusp of the apocalypse).

    I'm my experience it is even worse. Saying "actually the apocalypse is next Tuesday" implicitly implies that you've previously made other prophecies that failed to materialise, it engages with what went before even if only on a very superficial level.

    Liberals don't engage with history. On Monday they will say the apocalypse is on Tuesday, when Tuesday comes and there's no apocalypse they simply switch to saying "the apocalypse is on Thursday" as if that is what they have always been saying. The goalposts are in constant movement and I don't think they even notice.