It was like 1732 and he was a pacifist quaker. I linked a really fun and fairly detailed video about the dude in the thread. This guy was based as fuck. He even went vegan eventually. In the late 1730s! I'd recommend the whole channel, he's great and knows both history and film making so the slop is top of the line
Atun Shei is REALLY GOOD. I'd check out his In Defense of the Puritans vid, his Checkmate Lincolnite series debunking lost cause bs so thoroughly he made a pretty much feature length movie using most of his characters which leads to my favorite of the VVitchfinder General of the Coloney of Maffachussetes Bayye
It was like 1732 and he was a pacifist quaker. I linked a really fun and fairly detailed video about the dude in the thread. This guy was based as fuck. He even went vegan eventually. In the late 1730s! I'd recommend the whole channel, he's great and knows both history and film making so the slop is top of the line
Definitely cooler than me, and I have 300 years of additional history to learn from!
I have that video saved on a tab for my work day tomorrow lol
Atun Shei is REALLY GOOD. I'd check out his In Defense of the Puritans vid, his Checkmate Lincolnite series debunking lost cause bs so thoroughly he made a pretty much feature length movie using most of his characters which leads to my favorite of the VVitchfinder General of the Coloney of Maffachussetes Bayye