This is based on 43 states being considered "non-negotiable" and "set in stone" while only 7 are considered "swing" states
Also consider I specified "voters", who are at best only 2/3 of the total population, which leaves out about 100 million extra people
That 🦅 moment when you are competing with Malta and Israel on the "democracy index" (Malta 28th, US 29th, Israel 30th) and they call you a "flawed democracy"
Some fun facts:
On the points "functioning of government" and "political culture" the US is competing with Hungary
The US has a worse score in "electoral process and pluralism" than for example Poland, Malaysia, Panama and Brazil
Besides Hungary, Eritrea and Uganda have a better score in "political culture" than the US
But ngl, people who think that the US is a perfect example of a democracy probably also think that the US is a keeper of peace for striking civilian targets in Iraq.