with the right (small-ish usually) dose, set, and setting it really is a mental performance enhancing drug. increased social performance, introspection, novel ideas, even some memory recall.
does this say something about my neurotype?
with the right (small-ish usually) dose, set, and setting it really is a mental performance enhancing drug. increased social performance, introspection, novel ideas, even some memory recall.
does this say something about my neurotype?
it makes me more linguistically perceptive but i also lose all ability to handle humans i don't know well. "oh thank god i can still understand this material" i say after someone with weed drops by - "oh thank god i don't just suck at art all the time" I think - and then I sober up and it's like the cannabinoid insight is gone
also lets me disassociate from my feelings and stuff less, which is generally good. usually.