Title, basically.
Where I live, 'suburbs' = not the city centre, detached/semi-detached houses with back gardens & sometimes small front gardens + 2-3 stories, sometimes terraced housing as well, and alrightish public transport. It's where commuters live who travel half an hour to an hour to get to work.
Any discussion of American suburbs is all about how they push out black folks, are a huge waste of resources, etc. I don't know enough about America to have an opinion but I feel like I'm missing something.
I think the bijlmer near Amsterdam was supposed to be an American style suburb for yuppies. but squaters cancelled the requisite highway, the yuppies were too attached to their inner city shit. so it became populated by ethnic minorities.
Also there was some plane crash and some suspicious people in hasmat suits appeared who were thought to be mossad which led to conspiracy theories.