Rocket jesus & tech messiah Elon, bringing the future of warfare to your country today!

Stand by for Titanfall

  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    4 years ago
    1. Company of NASA leftovers needs another massive government subsidy.

    2. Promise impractical & probably impossible military application.

    3. Get massive government subsidy and military contract.

    4. Realise it's not achievable.

    5. Sub-contract to Amazon with a longer delivery time.

    6. Amazon realises they can't fulfill reduced promise.

    7. Amazon sub-contracts it to the military industrial complex logistics company.

    8. Military industrial complex logistics company makes deal for US military to assist in delivery.

    9. US military delivers own weapons on a schedule of weeks and pays for the pleasure.

    10. Musk profits.

    MoSt EfFiCiEnT sYsTeM oF aLl TiMe!