The "I’m a radical leftist" post is the fourth one in the thread.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      1 day ago

      I was almost tempted to ask her what she was "radical" about but that's fools errand. I already know that she surely has no radical ideas at all. I'd bet money she doesn't have a single one.

      Guys please stop calling voting “harm reduction.” Harm reduction is when you take steps to make an inherently risky behavior you are engaging in less risky rather than abstaining entirely from it. Voting is many things, but it is not that. You took gaslighting from me, don’t take this. “Voting is choosing your enemy” is a much better phrase that connotes the same sentiment without watering down and misusing public health language.

  • bigbrowncommie69 [any]
    1 day ago

    At the end of the day, a lot of the big Bluesky proponents were/are people who think Elon Musk is satan incarnate, an exceptional evil. Zero class consciousness, zero materialist thought. Idealists of the highest order, very easily led by aesthetic socialism.

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    1 day ago

    Their account is like an elaborate bit.

    I feel like we should be able to acknowledge it’s a big deal that Dick Cheney is voting for Kamala — not just not voting or writing in Ronald Reagan but voting for Kamala — and even say it is good that he is doing this without being accused of trying to rehabilitate him.

    Cheney sucks and I hate him and ALSO it is undeniably good that he is taking this public stance. It is good when people — even monsters — attempt to be a bulwark against fascism.


    [Kamala has] already demonstrated (slightly) more empathy for Palestinians than Biden has, though the bar is subterranean there. I don't know if she'll be willing to play hardball with Israel though.

    1 day ago

    Without looking into them literally at all, I can safely assume they think "supporting gay marriage", etc. to include every manufactured "culture war" discussion since 1950 is being "on the left."

    Everything is surface level for these types of simpletons, both on the right-liberal and left-liberal sides. Those sides don't even exist anymore... I'd love to hear a COHERENT explanation of, I dunno, three significant differences between Harris and Trump policy-wise. They're all just a giant blob of "nice" and "mean" aesthetics on top of the genocide machine. Do not ask why we made a genocide machine!

    The inevitable "perfect" result of this type of gross "ideology" is basically what we see with anyone still supporting Zionism is any form. They want the aesthetics of "democracy" and "acceptance" (thus all the Hasbara rhetoric around Israel being a democracy with gay people in it!... don't actually look at the population's opinions on gay people though) and to them that makes the thinly veiled reality acceptable. "But Biden called for a ceasefire! What do you guys want?!" "Bill Clinton said be feels our pain!" Infinite list and the only difference over time has been the thin veil existing less and exposing the reality underneath. I mean it's so far gone at this point that one has to wonder how much cope it takes on a daily, hourly basis to maintain an actual positive mindset towards either Trump or Kamala presidency. I once again revert back to my question about "What the fuck is even different between besides the obvious aesthetics?"

  • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
    1 day ago

    These people are idiots

    Who passed a bill locking down the border after a certain number of migrants? Who raised ICE's border over Trump levels? Who's actively funding a genocide on one hand and a proxy war on the other?

    Am I supposed to believe dems are more 'progressive' now since they said 'hey the world is on fire' and put up basically nothing to fight it with? Or because they said 'sorry sweaty, Parliamentarian said no wage hikes?'