• GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    2 days ago

    Trump derangement syndrome has gotten to the stage of genocide apologia. Trump isn't a fascist any more than Biden or Kamala. We did 4 years of Trump and it wasn't really a big deal. His fans may be fascists but that can of worms is open now and Trump supporters are equally powerful whether he's president or not. You dont suddenly become stronger and more organized when your figurehead or useful idiot takes office. Trump isn't gonna give the proud boys military equipment or whatever. I don't think he really even wants to be president again. Over reaction to Trump is what made things worse under Trump, if libs on either side could just like have not become hysterical freaks it would have been real easy to ride out. If fucking Donald Trump could destroy America then it's really really really vulnerable

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      2 days ago

      Libs cling to Great Man of History. So in their minds, material conditions don't matter as much as who is charge. On some level, despite their concern trolling over diversity, they still believe in hierarchies. Unlike openly fascist conservatives, they generally limit those hierarchies to foreigners.

      This is why they can support genocide and are scared of Trump. In their minds, Trump threatens hierarchies at home and they don't give a shit about people outside the imperial core.