Yeah on one hand it looks as if it's trying to say liberty causes oppression and social unrest, and on the other hand it might also be saying social unrest is wrongly justified by promises of liberty? Neither really makes sense to me
Edit: or maybe it's saying oppressors cover up atrocities by talking liberty? But the 'oppressors' are also smiling while their group is getting killed by the ones they oppressed? Idk, whatever
Edit 2: maybe the point is that liberty is where the oppressed can kill their oppressors under the same principle of liberty the oppressors used while oppressing them which makes some kind of grim justice?
You've overthinking and not in the right direction so I'll try to help out as best I can. As before, I don't think the posted meme expresses itself well.
None of the people saying "Liberty" here came to power for an extended period. They lead actions against oppressive groups, slavers, settlers etc. They don't need this violence justified by the precedent or the framwork of their oppressors, not least because they were left with no other choice but violent action.
Yeah on one hand it looks as if it's trying to say liberty causes oppression and social unrest, and on the other hand it might also be saying social unrest is wrongly justified by promises of liberty? Neither really makes sense to me
Edit: or maybe it's saying oppressors cover up atrocities by talking liberty? But the 'oppressors' are also smiling while their group is getting killed by the ones they oppressed? Idk, whatever
Edit 2: maybe the point is that liberty is where the oppressed can kill their oppressors under the same principle of liberty the oppressors used while oppressing them which makes some kind of grim justice?
You've overthinking and not in the right direction so I'll try to help out as best I can. As before, I don't think the posted meme expresses itself well.
None of the people saying "Liberty" here came to power for an extended period. They lead actions against oppressive groups, slavers, settlers etc. They don't need this violence justified by the precedent or the framwork of their oppressors, not least because they were left with no other choice but violent action.