Instrucciones para ser un pequeño burgués

Translated lyrics:


To be a petty bourgeois, you certainly have to be well educated. Learn a little bit of English and have gifted manners. For that of being or not being, it is necessary to build many networks, inhabit a charming chalet and dream of owning a Mercedes. The wife of a petty bourgeois, must find a lover and beat back the "stress " that the husband gives her. The wife of a petty bourgeois, the wife of a petty bourgeois.


To be a petty bourgeois, you must always be well clothed; secretary, driver and " valet " and a very well decorated office. Liberal, of course, he has to be, even if the body asks for something else and if anything let glimpse a slightly leftist tendency. With the times he will have to learn to change shirts without fear and with time he'll have a "small" savings account and his kids studying in Switzerland. With the times he will have to learn, to be a petty bourgeois.


To be a petty bourgeois you have to be, almost always, in the middle of a meeting: "" Have him call me later "", and then: "" the man has already left "". Cynicism at the highest level, usually gives a feeling of solvency, which will make him get along very well with the Damas de Beneficencia (philanthropic organization). In short, you must have vocation, ambition and patience to be a petty bourgeois. I know this from my own experience; I learned what I had to do to be a petty bourgeois.