May sound like bait but I am actually curious here.

Does seem like all you're doing is helping labor aristocrats get better access to tasty treats.

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    2 days ago

    I've always had really mixed feelings about these kinds of ideas, I hope if I'm ignorant someone will correct me but here's my view(I hope this doesn't come across as too aggressive as I generally like your posts) (I also want to start by saying fuck those dockworkers, I hope their strike fails. Refusing to deliver anything other than genocide is the most disgusting stance they could have):

    This is from the USDA's website


    Eight percent of American households are feeding their kids shitty diets due to monetary concerns, in 1% the kids are missing meals.

    There are a lot of people struggling economically in the US, the idea that they aren't has always felt asinine to me. Go to a government subsided housing unit and tell the people there that they're labor aristocrats.

    That's not to say there aren't a lot of very comfortable people who don't need more, but organizing customer service workers is different from organizing computer programmers.

    There are a lot of people making insufficient money to pay for housing, food, utilities and transportation to work. They might like to have some treats too, everyone enjoys treats, but they need more just to make ends meet

    There are also people, who make enough money that they don't necessarily need more but who's working conditions are atrocious. I'm primarily aware of this in the context of call centers where even if you make a living wage, a typical worker's job duties include absorbing hate and shocking amounts abuse from a companies customers. A union that stopped a company from instituting rules that required you to stay on the phone while someone screams curses into your ear would not be "helping labor aristocrats get better access to tasty treats."

    A union preventing companies from working outdoor laborers incessantly in the heat so that they don't die isn't "helping labor aristocrats get better access to tasty treats."

    A union insisting that rail workers have a right to go to the doctor when they're sick isn't "helping labor aristocrats get better access to tasty treats."