Howdy yanks, it's doomer time 😎

The linked editorials discuss how for every excess pandemic-related death, there is an average of 9 people who would be severely impacted by the death (and may even present PTSD symptoms). In short, the current mental health crisis is expected to get much worse.

Also there is a graph in the Ars article that can easily be misread. At first glance, it may seem to indicate a declining death rate per capita over time, but that's not what it's communicating. The deaths since May 10 include the deaths since June 7, and it's presented that way to show what countries managed to slow infections in that May-June period (when it became very clear that significant government response was mandatory to curtail spread) and what other countries just let it keep on going.

  • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Under a communist revolution, there are so many pain points in this society that could be overhauled. First, there's the collapsing and expensively inefficient healthcare system. Environmental clean up that would increase public health; reforestation in California to prevent all the weeds from taking over after fires. Housing renovation and reconstruction, to clear out condemned housing (in which people still live, breathing in black mold). Public transport to improve air quality (and help people walk more). Improved network and computer infrastructure for kids to work from home or at school. Increased public school construction to reduce class sizes. A jobs program for the unemployed in beautifying cities. Arts program to commemorate the dead. A partnership with the clergy to hold public vigils and prayer services for the dead. And lastly, a work and re-education program to turn out millions of new therapists and grief counselors. Instead, we are just gonna whittle down all business to Amazon, Walmart, and the Uber of Xyz.