Hey guys.

I've spent most of my life as a moderate lib, until about 6 months ago when I became full-on leftist. However, I know very little Marxist theory.

Assuming I know nothing, what books would recommend to some like me? Obviously Marx, but what else? And in what order? Would anyone be willing to curate a list of books that would give me the basics on Marxist theory and history from the perspective of Marxism? Any advice would be helpful.


  • Nagarjuna [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'd like to advise reading some archaeological works to go with Engels. Engels was working with the best science the 1850s had to offer, and our understanding of the world has changed a lot since family, private property, and the state.

    For marxism specifically, read

    Critique of the Gotha Program

    The Civil War in France

    The first chapter of capital, and the chapter on primitive accumulation.