That was one of the biggest tragedies in recorded history. Do you even know what it did to the economy? It was like Black Monday on a 5x multiplier.

The World Trade Center, keyword TRADE. This isn't pokemon shit, this is real-world stocks and dollars. The portfolios were ruined.

The next time you laugh at that, think about the human beings that had their vacation bonuses decimated that day. Think about how the economic blow made countries like China catch up to us. Just think about that.

    • AOCapitulator [they/them]
      11 months ago

      I don’t really believe in people being evil (though I guess they become evil through doing evil for a lifetime, like it’s actually impossible for Kissinger to be redeemed, he is a vile evil piece of shit who should be lit on fire and not allowed to die)

      After the revolution, every persons life is precious and they should be fought for and rehabilitated.

      Right now though? Nazis TERFS and bigots get the wall, while the more “problematic” folks get ignored/ bullied if they are noticed

      Some of that second group exploded one day, and so I shrug, as they would not have been helped either way