Anyone have any advice on just kind of hating people in general less? I look at people, I know they’re huge on religious doctrines and societal models I have no place in, and I just can’t see any good in them worth considering. I try to go outside and connect with people, but everyone looks like a 4channer, or someone two slights away from becoming a 4channer. I can’t restrain the fear or loathing. It’s like the past twenty years have reduced my very capacity for compassion and my capacity to respect anyone period to molten slag.
Heteronormative society and all who uphold it fucking blow, but I’m expected to keep it in my pants re: how and when I take it out on them.
What helps me is considering we are all hardly one step above wild animals. We do what is instinctual and based on our conditioning and upbringing which no one has any choice in. If a dog was raised to attack people, I wouldn't get upset at that dog when they attack people, it's what they have been made to do by outside influence.
I really believe most people aren't so selfish and reactionary as 4channers or whatever though. If everyone gives you this feeling maybe it would be helpful to spend time around different people somewhere else?
I did grow up Buddhist though, it's been drilled into me since early on to have kindness and compassion for all people, and similarly to Buddhism, Marxism teaches that we are products of our conditions, so I tend to hate the conditions rather than the person.
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