I was trying to figure out why it clicks annoyingly when I set it to oscillate, so I tore it down to the scary AC motor bits and started cleaning it and trying to figure out what's going on with the mechanism.
Then I got sleepy and just half re-assembled it. Now I have the finger chopping danger-fan running and wow it is blasting so much air on the slowest setting without that cage around it.
So tempted to just leave it running in murder-configuration. I just know I'm gonna accidentally trip over and fall on it eventually. Hehehehhe.
Things like this are why I don't want my family visiting with their little kids. It's like the house that Jigsaw built in here sometimes. Nobody respects my concerns tho and I'm just the shithead who doesn't invite the fam over.
- ThermonuclearEgg [she/her, they/them]·1 month ago