Everyone keeps saying that Biden has it in the bag, but that’s what they said last time for Hillary. I have this weird feeling he’ll somehow worm his way to victory.

  • CakeAndPie [any]
    4 years ago

    It sure looks like Biden has elite support sown up, including the Roberts court. If it's close enough to go to the Supreme Court they'll find a way to hand it to Biden.

    Prep yourself for 4 years of poo flinging from Trump worshippers.

    The scary part is what happens when somebody smart pays attention to how Trump got elected, a person actually capable of sewing up military and intelligence agency support.

    Also, answer an honest question. If you're a USian and a right-winger promised to give you a job and health care, and didn't talk that loud about racism or abortion, would you consider voting for him? You know, it's a cliché to say it but the fascists were quite popular in the 30s for a reason. In those countries there was literally nobody else in power who even paid lip service to helping the people. Kinda like the situation we're in now, where both parties are corporate owned and don't give a shit about any of us, and everyone knows it.