From ABC

"Just announced by YouTube, the website will be limiting the amount of Subscriptions a non-premium user can have, as well as limiting the amount of likes and comments a user without YouTube Premium can use per day. YouTube CEO Neal Mohan has described the decision as "a measure to prevent voting and comment manipulation" and said that "most YouTube users will not be affected by the change."

"YouTube content creators such as however, are furious. Creators like Markiplier are calling the move "disgusting and money-hungry, with no consideration for the users that make YouTube all of its content."

"No statement has been made yet on how limiting the amount of comments and likes free users can use will affect the algorithm for these creators"

Death to Google

    11 months ago

    I don't see how this is entertaining satire. This is a move that is not remotely implausible, nor does the story make any valuable commentary about google/youtube. It just seems like purposefully incorrect news, and I think we have enough of that already.