Seriously, if I had a time machine I'd:

  1. Go to Cabo Catoche, 1517, and watch the most cursed game of charades
  2. Give John Brown et al some semi-autos and a couple mags; C4 if I could manage it
  3. Go back ten years and slap that shit outta my mouth
    2 months ago

    I totally understand where you're coming from I think, I mean I've always liked my partying but just drinking and listening to my music or playing games has always been my shit. Not going to the club or bar is easy enough but the hardest thing is sitting at home after work on the weekend and trying to come up with reasons to not drink, very difficult.

    I used to have physical addiction to alcohol and such in the past but have moved beyond that and am fine not drinking on weekdays and the like, but the weekend comes and I'm like... man I just wanna have some drinks and relax. Extremely hard for me to get away from that.

    I also hate the idea of not being able to enjoy some drinks with coworkers after work or fellow football fans at the pub on the weekend. I'm definitely with you on the drinking affecting negatively in subtle ways. It is a tough thing to reconcile relationship with for a lot of us I think. You're so right when you say a lot of things are just more enjoyable not sober.