"I've gone through time and space so many times I haven't aged like a normal person. Who knows, I might be 1000 years old, or even 10,000 years old. But despite that, I'm still the same kid at heart! Is that funny? It is, isn't it? Does it make you laugh? cough wheeze Are you laughing at me?!"
Porky is one of the greatest villains in video game history, purely out of how much of a detestable little shit he is. Also the whole incredibly subtle thing about aiding the very embodiment of evil and having an army of pig-mask wearing fascists who all eat burgers and fries. Very very subtle Mr. Itoi
"Huh? That monster's name is Claus? It's name was Claus? That almost sounds like a person's name!"
One of the most detestable villains in gaming, his fate was perfection.