Like, don't get me wrong there are certain channels (even ones I don't care for) that do be making a lot of content that seems like it takes work, or at least a good amount of research.
But then you got people who put out like 2 videos a year of them monologuing in a costume to a camera and maybe citing 2 books, while making 6 figures (or more), and apparently pay someone to do most of the post production work, and then post about "burnout" on Twitter.
I mean like... come on bro.
I find it hard to empathise tbh but I'm sure many would say the same of my crappy office job. Some maybe are mr beast permanent growth brained but also i imagine its quite stressful trying to build a life around such a volatile job as well as doing it solo is a considerable amount of work to meet the expected production value YT has these days. Thing is though if you earn enough money to hire other people i kinda can't take it that seriously, also winds me up when they would claim "i don't make that much" while being able to salary one or many people like fuck off.