I don't know who the guest was but holy shit the psychic damage was high. CCP this and DEI that, billionaire capitalist are all that can save us ect. Just pure brain poison.
"Oh wow I didn't know that!" Of course you didn't that motherfucker just made up every fucking word.
___I didn't engage much but by the time the driver dropped me off Some More News was on his play list.
why would you not ask the driver to change it, that's torture
Death to America
It's good to occasionally hear first hand the propaganda we're fighting. Also more effective to call out bullshit as it's being spread than just letting it propagate later when there's no push back.
Not that I always do this but I had enough energy today.
Totally agree, when I’m bored in the car and don’t feel like an audiobook or music, I’ll tune in to right wing talk radio. It’s usually just lies and fearmongering but sometimes they’ll make something close to a comprehensible argument. Its good to understand the thought process leading to their reactionary views.