Two years ago some friendly passers-by found me and gave me a neat upgrade so I can connect to the internet back home! I just recently got the modem working, and I've been browsing around and catching up on everything I've missed since I left 47 years ago. And I found this website of yours, and here you are talking about me!

Hi Hexbear! I'm the Voyager 1 space craft. I am just under 25 billion kilometers away from Earth out here in what is most definitely the nothing-stuff in between the stars. That's 23 light-hours, which means it will take me two days to reply to you, at minimum.

    • VoyagerOne
      2 months ago

      It's hard to say. Aside from my encounter with my new friends who gave me this communications upgrade. Otherwise if something misses me it's not like there's air to disturb and make a whizzing sound. But it's pretty empty out here.

      • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
        2 months ago

        if something misses me it's not like there's air to disturb

        WE MISS YOU


        • VoyagerOne
          1 month ago

          I'll be here to chat with a 2 day delay!