This video made me so fucking angry I know the Chomsky discourse is over but these assholes had to drag it up again.

What really irritated me was 10:05 in this video where she speaks about no one knew about how bad Trump would be everyone on the fucking left knew how bad Trump was going to be, it's why more people on the left voted for Hillary than in 2008 where a higher percentage of Hillary supporters voted for McCain.

Liberals didn't take Trump seriously it's why their media gave him millions of dollars worth of free advertising, Hillary had so little respect for his threat that her campaign came up with the pied piper strategy to help him win his primary and then refused to really fucking campaign. Anybody who dared to mention that he may win was laughed out of the room.

The only people who really took him serious was the people who supported Bernie because mostly consisting of the working poor they knew he would hurt them the most and they were proven right.

Dems and resistance libs stood by while he was allowed to run roughshod through the most vulnerable people in society for 4 years with little to no fight.

And then Bernie came back for 2020 and as much critique there is of his campaign it cannot be avoided that what helped Biden win was all of his competitors dropping out and endorsing him and Bernie's real competitor staying in and splitting his votes.

This showed the people on the left that even in the face of fascism and with climate change looming ever larger, anti-police protests really kicking off and people becoming more desperate that they will stick up their middle finger and tell them to vote for this Neoliberal fuck who does not only have no intention of implementing their wants and needs but he will also mock their candidate because he knows he has them by the balls.

And in spite all of that a higher percentage of the left will still vote for Biden because they really understand the danger of Trump.

It's so fucking irritating that the left can't ask why won't Biden implement these policies that are popular countrywide without being accused of helping Trump, it's so fucking irritating of being spoken down to just because the left wants to know what is gonna prevent Biden and his administration from laying the foundation for an even smarter fascist in 2024 if we're even alive?

I fucking hate Liberals so much