Maybe it's just me, but I don't want the cops breaking into my house to investigate the smell of my dinner. Curry is delicious, and you know how pigs are about food. We've already (mostly) gotten rid of scent being a reason to search with the ingresses we've made for weed. Let's avoid odor being a definitive reason to search people's property again.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't want the cops breaking into my house to investigate the smell of my dinner. Curry is delicious, and you know how pigs are about food. We've already (mostly) gotten rid of scent being a reason to search with the ingresses we've made for weed. Let's avoid odor being a definitive reason to search people's property again.
There's a difference between the smell of weed and the fetid rot of decaying bodies
not like I want cops just barging in places over spurious reasons... but if I'm smelling rotting flesh next door I would like that looked into imo