No fancy OP this time because I am running on E! I'm definitely not a couple of days late! This week's person of interest is you, dear reader. Tell this fat frog lady all about your lovely selves this week. Tell me what makes you laugh and what brings you joy in this hell on earth we call home.

As always, we ask that in order to participate in the weekly megathread, one self-identifies as some form of disabled, which is broadly defined in the community sidebar:

"Disability" is an umbrella term which encompasses physical disabilities, emotional/psychiatric disabilities, neurodivergence, intellectual/developmental disabilities, sensory disabilities, invisible disabilities, and more. You do not have to have an official diagnosis to consider yourself disabled.

Mask up, love one another, and stay alive for one more week.

  • roux [he/him, they/them]M
    1 month ago

    God, I even saw the mod chat about asking us for mega post ideas and I literally am out of spoons. I still have one I want to make but I've been working a ton, and it's physical work so by the time I'm home I'm already passing out. Thanks for picking up the torch, Ivy!

    About me:

    I am super late diagnosed autistic. I also have dysthymia, fairly severe social anxiety, and some tag-alongs like pathological demand avoidance, rejection sensitive dysphoria(sort of I think), and probably some more that will eventually manifest.

    My hobbies include web dev, horror movies, video games, and reading theory. Those sort of also cover quite a bit of my special interests. I've been into horror movies for over 3 decades. I started reading again like 2 years ago an haven't really stopped. I'm just super deep into socialist texts and don't see any way out any time soon. I used to also speedsolve Rubik's Cubes and have been a Linux hobbiest for over a decade. Oh I also like angry music and tiny mechanical keyboards. Typing this on my Ferris Sweep currently.

    Speaking of web dev, I'm working on doing the freelance web dev thing. My free time right now is limited with work but I'd like to try to get a site a month done. My stack is AstroJS, TailwindCSS, TypeScript/JavaScript, and DecapCMS currently. I handcode my sites and don't use builders like WordPress, essentially. I'm actively trying to network but just can't get a nibble on a site. If you know anyone that needs a not shitty site made and don't mind it being made by a dirty commie send them my way lol.

    Recently I've been doing my own gender exploration and I think I am gonna go with Demi/agender-ish for now.

    I'm also in the middle of my PSL candidacy and am gonna try to get something going in the Texas panhandle.

    Idk, I'm tired. I might rework this later but just call it stream of thought for now.

    Love you all, stay safe out there.