
He is very incorrect

This to me encapsulates the American "progressive" liberals illiteracy regarding politics and they're inability to recognise that other countries however adjacent in the imperial core just do not operate in the same wacky way US politics does.

Hearing someone so embarrassingly mischaracterise several UK cities with a rich political history down to "nooaaww the inner cities aaaarrrr liberull but the suburbs are conservative" and then just misrepresent or flatly get wrong the political landscape currently is just wild given his confidence.

My dude the incredibly down trodden satellite housing to a large city you keep circling back to is not rich and conservative you fucking dolt.

Progressivism = china town and liberalism

That's it, that was his whole spiel was

"this city is progressive, i mean they have china town.... liberalism"


This is someone thinks they are a socialist and knows what privatisation is but their understanding of even liberalism is "liberalism = progressive social justice" so like lmao.

And before anyone shakes their torches at me, this dudes is literally mansplaining this to this disinterested women about a country he isn't from, about policies he doesn't understand.

Wine cellar liberal thinking he can problem shoot a system he's not involved in or aware of.

Wild. My family should have never left Cork.

  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    1 month ago

    I wanted to choke him out and dump him in the north sea, but I don't know if that would be ecologically OK.

    The crabs are hungry

    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      1 month ago

      They are. And the UK government is spooked because the crabs are Chinese!

      (This is actually true. For the last couple of years there's been signs all over several stretches of coast warning about scary Chinese flag-covered crabs with a line and exclamation point through them. There's been an uptick in mitten crabs, which are an invasive species and could actually be pretty bad for local biodiversity, but the signs are a bit much.)