*advancing her career


This is about AOC losing her bid for the Oversight committee to a geriatric Dem lifer. Sure she has systematically shredded any last bit of credibility with her triangulation, but hey, at least all the 5D polítical chess is paying off! She's changing the system from the inside! It's working this time!

Girl, you abandoned any pretense of doing working-class mass politics when you decided to do insider politics! Why are you tweeting like Bernie Sanders circa 2012? There's no we! There's no mass movement behind you! It's just NYC DSA and some Warren libs (but I repeat myself)

  • Bureaucrat
    1 month ago

    Yeah she's accomplishing genocide, border camps with kids in cages, increased fracking, more money for police and so much more. Personally I'd rather she did nothing instead. Action for the sake of action is the ideology of a fascist, but it's pretty clear where you're at so that's not surprising.

      • Bureaucrat
        1 month ago

        No it seems you are. She is a member of the DNC and did all she could to get the Democratic candidate elected. On top of that she defended Joe Biden and his regimes ongoing genocide. The way things work is that actions are linked to consequences, I know this is difficult to understand if your brain hasn't developed fully yet.