Cuz they could just wake up and be like "ah damn ain't it nice that everything here is built and designed for us, let's enjoy not having any material concerns". But instead they're all "OMG they're trying to get rid of white ppl" and "no soy is making everyone femme". ron-soy

Not that they deserve my concern, but damn they're really ruining their experience. Also no one will date their goolish ass and their kids hate them.

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    3 days ago

    The desire after hoarding is in its very nature unsatiable. In its qualitative aspect, or formally considered, money has no bounds to its efficacy, i.e., it is the universal representative of material wealth, because it is directly convertible into any other commodity. But, at the same time, every actual sum of money is limited in amount, and, therefore, as a means of purchasing, has only a limited efficacy. This antagonism between the quantitative limits of money and its qualitative boundlessness, continually acts as a spur to the hoarder in his Sisyphus-like labour of accumulating. It is with him as it is with a conqueror who sees in every new country annexed, only a new boundary.

    • marx

    this, to me, is the psychology of why capitalism is fucked. the people who "win" it are so afraid of losing, it makes them too fearful to share and instead accelerates their grasping. very Realm of the Hungry Ghosts type shit, eat eat eat and never be filled.

    Read Bell Hooks' A Will To Change a while back and had a similar revelation about the patriarchal dominance hierarchy. Everybody has vulnerabilities, and to "win" requires treating everyone around you as an enemy and dealing with the unending threat that one of your own weaknesses will be exposed.