Lately I am having a hard time getting any of the 3rd party front ends for social medias to work properly. Is it just me?
The site doesnt load, it can't find the media, etc. Sometimes I can get one item to load but then can t get another on same instance.
Twitter, reddit, YouTube mainly but sometimes I want to see something on tiktok or Instagram.
I use libredirect/Firefox on desktop and as a last resort on mobile. I regularly re-ping the instances list although it doesnt seem to reflect which ones actually work. On mobile I prefer newpipe or another app if available.
Not sure if VPN is getting in the way, or adblocking on mobile etc. Sometimes turning it off helps but other times it does not.
i think reddit ones still work semi-reliably, twitter only works on xcancel, youtube only on nadeko and only sometimes and yewtube very rarely