I’ve only caught clips of it and I’m not strong enough to watch in full so I ask how any of you felt about it if you watched it.

Portuguese news went over it briefly but I can only understand bits and pieces, from what I’ve gathered the whole thing was a shit show.

  • judgeholden
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator

      • judgeholden
        9 months ago

        deleted by creator

            • albigu@lemmygrad.ml
              10 months ago

              Pointless foreign war going badly? ✔

              Worsening internal proletarian conditions? ✔

              Popular distrust in government and its fundamental philosophy? ✔

              Encroaching police state and murdering of protesters? ✔

              I could see the USA going the way of either 1905 or 1932 sometime soon. Obviously I prefer first, but it's the Yankees, they probably will go for the latter. But it's not like this hasn't happened at least once every decade for the past 70 years and no revolution materialised. The true sack of potatoes were the American Tubers all along.

              Honestly a general strike might be a cool idea at least for basic things like healthcare, rent control, guaranteed sick leave and other things like that, that basically every other stable country already has. Socialist parties are missing out on the opportunity.

        • huginn@feddit.it
          10 months ago

          The hope is they have won the popular vote once in 8 elections and that was only because the entire might of all news outlets was cheering for bombing Iraqis.

            • huginn@feddit.it
              10 months ago

              God I wish we had a representative democracy. Then we could have fascists in power like Italy.

              Aspetta ... forse non c'è mai una democracia perfetta?

              Sì, infatti ogni democracia ha I suoi problemi: meglio che uno stato autoritario.

        • signofzeta@lemmygrad.ml
          10 months ago

          How about we renegotiate the Civil War? Is it too late to give them the southern states and tell them to leave us alone?

    • ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      Pence even said like “we need to deal with the problems of Social Security and healthcare” like are you kidding me? Retirement at 65 has god-awful benefits, you basically have to retire at 67-70 to actually get OK benefits that can afford you to barely retire. Healthcare is essentially not a thing here, more specifically AFFORDABLE healthcare that most people desperately need

  • originalfrozenbanana@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Mike Pence said “consensus is the opposite of leadership” so, you know, good to see their grasp on reality is as solid as ever

  • ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    Mike Pence is a hilarious candidate. Less than 3 years ago, there were Republicans storming DC looking for Mike Pence to hang him, now he thinks he has a shot at POTUS. Vivek is really trying to separate himself from the herd more than anything and it didn’t work in his favor at times. DeSantis was struggling the whole time. The question asking if they’d support Trump was so funny. They said raise your hand if you WOULD support Trump if he got the nomination and everyone but 2 people raised their hand. And besides Vivek who raised his hand quickly and kept it up, everyone else sorta did it after seeing other candidates do it, they were pretty reluctant to do so and I thought it was funny how they still have to bend the knee to a mf who has a fuckin Mugshot🤣

    • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      Oh man I totally forgot about Hasan Lmao I’ll have to seek out his coverage as I imagine it’s way more palatable

      • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
        10 months ago

        It's pretty funny that he consumes sooo much american media that he unironically could roleplay a better conservative than the actual conservatives at the debate 😂

    • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      I’m both lol born and raised in Canada but my family are Portuguese immigrants! I live together with two family members who watch Portuguese tv so the only English news I get is on Twitter, TikTok, and on here.