I had a shitty ceramic ocarina from this online store "ocarinawind," it was 10 bucks at a thrift store and i guess it was good enough for 10 dollars. Actually, i just realized you can see it a bit in the picture, lmao. Anyway, i heard great things about the night by noble line, so i bought the alto c and soprano c. It was 60 bucks all in all, which is insane for two high quality instruments. they're really nice, the sound quality is noticably better and there's way less pitch variance by small inconsistencies in covering the holes. it's awesome.
So which Legend of Zelda song did you learn to play first?
lol, i actually haven't learned any yet. i've been goofing off and playing minecraft music for a while, i'll probably start with saria's song because i have a lot of good memories of watching my friend play ocarina of time 3d on the bus while permanently suck in the lost woods. (i know, i'm a newgen, whatever)
i did learn zelda's lullaby on the flute, which counts for something, because it's piss easy and i suck at the flute, lol.