They'll be ripe for organization, and giving the tenants a unified target will be easier, but just because it's easier to organize against a real entity that isn't totally abstracted and obfuscated, doesn't mean it's easier to actually accomplish anything.
Feudalism lasted for millennia with over a thousand years of stories about peasants rising up against kings before capitalism finally killed it. Even then, he kings just turned into C-Suite zombies.
Oh yeah, really good point.
I wonder if these costco-communes would be particularly ripe for tenant union organising efforts a short way down the line.
Backdoor the corpos and give em more fronts to worry about.
edit: regardless we'll probably see some #OccupyCostco within 3 years after some bad eviction stories.
They'll be ripe for organization, and giving the tenants a unified target will be easier, but just because it's easier to organize against a real entity that isn't totally abstracted and obfuscated, doesn't mean it's easier to actually accomplish anything.
Feudalism lasted for millennia with over a thousand years of stories about peasants rising up against kings before capitalism finally killed it. Even then, he kings just turned into C-Suite zombies.