I know this is badposting, but someone posted this blocklist for uBlock / uBlacklist somewhere the other day and I've found it incredibly helpful.
oh nice, just cuz we're badposting doesn't mean we don't have standardz
Image generators have ruined absolutely everything. Everyone knows his species only has 3 toes.
stable diffusion has gotten better at human hands but not Yoshi toes
I ain't going down the foot fetish meme road again, I have left social circles for doing this shit before
group I was a part of thought posting foot fetish memes was the funniest shit ever, but also many of them had a genuine foot fetish so it became this very uncomfortable and very frequent occurrence where people would post "haha funny" foot fetish stuff but they were actually also horny-posting and it became so egregious I had to peace out
tl;dr posting foot stuff to me is at best an extremely stale joke and at worst creepy horny-posting