I have like $15 for the next 5 days so I’ve been eating nuts for breakfast and brown rice with steamed carrot and tofu for dinner the last few days. It’s keeping me alive but I think I’m getting too much fibre because my shits are getting thinner and thinner. I don’t really wanna shit water for the next week, what’s the cheapest food I can use to bung myself up. I’m thinking just buy a loaf of the cheapest bread I can find and munch a few slices dry here and there. I’ll need to buy some more rice/tofu over the weekend, should have enough left for some bread.

PS. The only way I can cook rn is steaming, the only kitchenware I could afford until next payday was a rice cooker that I can steam stuff in too.

  • whatnots [he/him, it/its]
    1 day ago

    i didn't know that was a thing. does this apply more to dried beans than canned beans, or both?

    • Gorb [they/them]
      21 hours ago

      Beans contain Phytohaemagglutinin (hilarious name) which need thorough cooking to break down otherwise they'll cause digestive upset. Canned beans are usually precooked dried beans are not and need cooking. Never heard about it for peas tho cos I've eaten peas from a pod many a time

    • CarmineCatboy2 [he/him]
      21 hours ago

      I believe both. Beans have a chemical in them that causes indigestion and, sadly, from what I understand a lot of the traditional measures we take to lessen that effect (such as soaking them for longer) don't actually work. Some people get no gas or indigestion from legumes. Those of us who do should consider cooking them for longer.