I’m gonna be honest y’all, all throughout my life people have given me so much shit for asking why something happens- repeatedly calling me childlike, telling me that’s just the way it is, it is what it is, etc. Shit sucks

Bringing this back to math though, the best math teachers I’ve ever had didn’t see a problem with providing the “why” and when that was given, I kinda succeeded. Who could’ve guessed, I didn’t hate math and thought there was a chance that I could do it if someone explained it in my language!

Trying to relearn some stuff for my own benefit, thought this new comm might be a good place to start my journey so let me know if you have any suggestions!

  • mathemachristian [he/him]
    2 days ago

    Heartily recommend Proofs from THE BOOK by Aigner and Ziegler which are proofs that the great Erdös (would have) found worthy.

    It's a potpourri of different proofs selected by how enjoyable they are with some context surrounding it. It's not a textbook but something for math enjoyers to enjoy without being pop science.