Arguably the peasants had a better quality of life under feudalism with more time off from work than modern day workers. And the lords knew they had to provide for the peasants or they’d be outnumbered.
"It has been said that terror is the principle of despotic government. Does your government therefore resemble despotism? Yes, as the sword that gleams in the hands of the heroes of liberty resembles that with which the henchmen of tyranny are armed. Let the despot govern by terror his brutalized subjects; he is right, as a despot. Subdue by terror the enemies of liberty, and you will be right, as founders of the Republic. The government of the revolution is liberty's despotism against tyranny."
I love how that comment is obviously meant to be a joke but it's just the truth
(except the "it's been pretty good" part; the only "good" part about it has been its use in overthrowing feudalism)
Arguably the peasants had a better quality of life under feudalism with more time off from work than modern day workers. And the lords knew they had to provide for the peasants or they’d be outnumbered.
"It has been said that terror is the principle of despotic government. Does your government therefore resemble despotism? Yes, as the sword that gleams in the hands of the heroes of liberty resembles that with which the henchmen of tyranny are armed. Let the despot govern by terror his brutalized subjects; he is right, as a despot. Subdue by terror the enemies of liberty, and you will be right, as founders of the Republic. The government of the revolution is liberty's despotism against tyranny."
What is that from?
Robespierre - On Political Morality