You bought an orange Nintendo Gamecube. how come I don't get anything? This isn't fair.
I'll get you a Dreamcast if I can come over and play Power Stone
Sure thing, but you also have to get me a PAL version of Jet Set Radio, none of that Jet Grind Radio shit
I'll do that, give us something to play when the amusement of watching Seaman grows thin
That's impossible, no one could get bored of Seaman, he is a good boy.
Oh, we could even play House of the Dead 2
We can suffer like G did?
I prefer typing of the dead but that's a good compromise
Gofundme to get DO a Dreamcast with a card reader for unlimited games.
i want to post on hexbear from linux on a hello kitty dreamcast
ShowI thought you wanted to purchase a ton of fast food? What is it now, food or vidya?
But what if you eat the Dreamcast by mistake, instead of the Doribo?
Knowing you, uhhh.... yes.
But don’t worry. If it actually happens, you can simply eat more fibres, preferably carbon fibres or so I’ve heard. This should cure your digestive problem.