On Saturday, an anti-racist demonstration in Shelby Township, Michigan was brutally repressed by the police. According to a video posted online several dozen police turned out in full riot gear and riot shields and beat and assaulted protesters before arresting several of them. Many of those arrested were thrown to the ground and there are reports that officers reportedly kneeled on their necks while they were being restrained. One woman, a photographer, was stripped down to her underwear in the middle of the street before being searched and arrested.
I know someone who was there. The demonstration was planned and permits were granted for them to be there. They were just standing on the sidewalk then the cops started arresting them for "obstructing the road". A girl was strip searched in the middle of the street by a male cop. Shelby Township is pushing felony charges on the six arrested. Van Dyke was swarmed in police presence. It's total bullshit.