Does anyone else hate pretty much everyone else in your job field? I'm back in school now but in the year I was working at a full time job, basically every other engineer was a chud who absolutely refused to consider other people and were only doing engineering because they got paid a lot. I know it's good to get to know everyone you work with and build solidarity but it's basically impossible when they're all so insufferable.

How do all of you deal with it?

    • cpfhornet [she/her,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      The response included ‘one day at a time’, then an older (unwelcome, fuck off) person continued with an agreement of ‘one day at a time’. Maybe that came from themselves, maybe it came from external political messaging that I’m not aware of, but it reflects what many are trying to react to this year with. One day at a time, here’s some coping methods to get through each day ‘intact’ (which often doesn’t mean anything so drastic, but instead just with their current mindset and paradigms), and get through 2020 wow this crazy year huh.

      Yeah this is what I was talking about, it's definitely learned political messaging. And whether it seems like it or not, if you position yourself in their lives in a way that they already see you as human and of empathetic/sound mind, your opposition to that learned political messaging will form cracks in their framework that in the moment they will diffuse and distract from. To the person confronting the "one day at a time" person, it seems like nothing said gets through. And if we're talking about the way it HAS BEEN for the past few decades I'd agree with you. But COVID has clearly been quite a fracturing force in the lives of those that are comfortable with the status quo and the slow march of history approach. There are huge contradictions in the capitalist system that have been papered over for decades, and this pandemic may have been the thing to send the complex system past its equilibrium point. How many more crises will it take for these people's reliance on the preservation of the worldview they've clung to past its expiration date to collapse? Depends on the person. But how do you think we all got here, on Our minds are shaped by the conditions and people around us. And while the US has maintained these conditions in a stasis for a critical portion of the population thus far, its capabilities to do so are clearly deteriorating at an ever increasing rate. There will come a day when it will be less painful to change worldviews than to continue pretending its possible to retain/go back.