It is, of course, worth noting that devs at CDPR were already crunching to meet that previous deadline. Today’s announcement doesn’t mention crunch, but I’d be surprised if staff weren’t in for another three weeks of gruelling conditions to get this thing out the door.

God I hate the industry

    • numfj [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The article's emphasis on the different platforms makes it sound like maybe they're having serious technical issues on some of them?

      I find it hard to imagine that they've decided the game is shit and are panicking and trying to salvage it at the last minute, simply because game studios seem to be very bad at predicting how their releases will be received. Remember the Sim City 2013 debacle? They constantly hyped it up as if it was going to be the game of the century, and the pre-release reviews were positive, then it had massive unforeseen technical issues on launch, then even after that was resolved it turned out to be fundamentally broken in almost every respect.

      • CliffordBigRedDog [he/him]
        4 years ago

        the marketing team and the dev team are very different beasts and don't always communicate, which is why you see marketing people "confirming" the Nov 19 release date as late as 2 days ago