For a long time, I’ve just put on DejaVu fonts and been done with it. Generally good enough Unicode coverage for me. But I know it’s been years since DejaVu’s been updated, and I wonder what’s very common today.
[As for the terminal, I’m guessing it’s usually still the standard fixed Unicode fonts?]
I'm a sucker for jetbrains Mono when I need a monospaced font. It just looks nice to me.
Can't speak to how common they are, but I do like the Nerd Fonts, and particularly MesloLGS NF 10pt for my monospaced font. Very handy for Zsh Powerline10k and neovim.
I don't think it's that common, but if you're looking for good fonts, I really like IBM Plex Sans/Serif/Mono. Has good Unicode coverage as well and is "open source" (or whatever it's called for fonts).
I like fira code w/ nerd fonts. The ligatures are nice for coding.
I have settled on mplus code, I really like its condensed look.
I've been using JetBrains Mono Nerd Font for my terminal as of late and Inter for my GUI's.
Ok, I think I need to google that one, not that I have dislexia, just out of curiosity.
It's a font designed to ease letter recognition.
It can be useful for people who don't have dislexia too, for example for subtitles.
I generally install MS Office Fonts, some Adobe Fonts and then Fira Code Nerd Font too.
My preference for a few years have been a combination if IBM Plex Sans for most stuff and Iosevka for monospace. They both look amazing! Iosevka might look a bit weird when first seeing it but I can't really use anything else these days. However, Fira Code is a really good monospace font as well.
Google Sans Text, Cabin, Fira Sans, Roboto, Noto
For monospaced Jetbrains Mono, Fira Code, Iosevka