For a long time, I’ve just put on DejaVu fonts and been done with it. Generally good enough Unicode coverage for me. But I know it’s been years since DejaVu’s been updated, and I wonder what’s very common today.

[As for the terminal, I’m guessing it’s usually still the standard fixed Unicode fonts?]

    10 months ago

    Can't speak to how common they are, but I do like the Nerd Fonts, and particularly MesloLGS NF 10pt for my monospaced font. Very handy for Zsh Powerline10k and neovim.

    10 months ago

    I don't think it's that common, but if you're looking for good fonts, I really like IBM Plex Sans/Serif/Mono. Has good Unicode coverage as well and is "open source" (or whatever it's called for fonts).

    10 months ago

    I've been using JetBrains Mono Nerd Font for my terminal as of late and Inter for my GUI's.

        10 months ago

        It's a font designed to ease letter recognition.

        It can be useful for people who don't have dislexia too, for example for subtitles.

    10 months ago

    My preference for a few years have been a combination if IBM Plex Sans for most stuff and Iosevka for monospace. They both look amazing! Iosevka might look a bit weird when first seeing it but I can't really use anything else these days. However, Fira Code is a really good monospace font as well.

    10 months ago

    Google Sans Text, Cabin, Fira Sans, Roboto, Noto

    For monospaced Jetbrains Mono, Fira Code, Iosevka