Your dreams and imagination evolved as a view into another universe. As with the current beliefs, you cannot decipher technical information -- no words in books, no details of how devices work, so even if you can describe things you see from another place, you could not reproduce a working version.

Now how do you convince others that the things your are seeing are really happening without being labeled insane? And how could you use this information to benefit yourself or others? Take a peek into the multiverse to see how other versions of yourself have solved these problems...

    1 year ago

    even if you can describe things you see from another place, you could not reproduce a working version.

    If you can't functionally use any information from the other universe or vice versa, then what's the difference between a real universe or a fake one.

      1 year ago

      Honestly it comes down to a similar question about whether or not you are living in the Matrix. If you can't change or control anything, then it doesn't make a difference. But if you can find a way to hack the system, what could you do with it? I'm enjoying seeing the different theories that everyone has.

  • Call me Lenny/
    1 year ago

    There are a few ways it can be proven.

    1. If the parallel universes are different versions of our own, I can use them to get information I couldn't get in my own universe. For example, if it's a universe where North Korea has an open border policy, I could walk in and observe my surroundings, then end the dream and describe things about North Korea nobody knows about. Though this is not super hard proof.

    2. I could venture into the parallel universe to get a better understanding of physics, and people in my universe would know something is up because I came back knowing about how things work that the average person could never know. Though, again, this is not super hard proof.

    3. I can play Marco Polo with other sleepers from my universe to see if I can find them in the parallel universe, using a system of identification that cannot be impersonated if any entity tried. This would be hard proof, but it would require that people end up in the same parallel universes.

      1 year ago

      I think most of what you're describing would require focused lucid dreaming, and with #3 it would require that you meet others who are also lucid dreaming? Sure that can be done, but #2 requires you to bring back critical details that the right brain just doesn't seem to be able to handle. This does give me an idea that might get around that limitation though -- what if you could remember images of artwork created in other realities? Basically steal their classic masterpieces (of course I'm still limited in that I cannot paint). And curiously, #1 sounds very much like the descriptions of remote viewing that are supposed to be proof that ESP is real but always fall apart because some details are wrong -- exactly what you would expect from an alternate reality though...

      1 year ago

      That could be you, in a Harry Potter universe. You know that spell that makes people vomit slugs? This would be just a variant

    1 year ago

    I had dreams of omnipotence. Including omniscience - they knew I was dreaming of them. In fact, one of them was particularly aggravated that I was aware of them.

    If those universes are real, then they could contact me in this one.

    They have not. So those gods aren't real.

    I dunno what this changed.

        1 year ago

        Sure, but it's usually right, especially when dealing with stoner theories like the above.

          1 year ago

          Oddly enough my own (limited) experiences with lucid dreaming didn't really break down the barrier for technical details. Sure I knew I was dreaming, I could think about and control what I did, but I still couldn't read a book. When I was younger there was a time where I kept having dreams about writing books on various subjects, it felt like I was actually planning out the arrangement of topics and writing down the words, and yet as I woke up everything was lost. So did I actually compose a story (because yes, I've written some short fiction) and then forget the whole thing, or did another version of me write down the stories and I simply couldn't bring that knowledge back with me from the parallel universe?

            1 year ago

            Your experience is anecdotal. There are countless documented cases of people being not only in control while lucid dreaming, but also remembering what they did. It's just that there is a limit to what you can do in dreams, because they have a purpose and trying to force too much through lucid dreaming ends up damaging your sleep, which your brain will do everything in its power to not let happen.

  • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    how could you use this information to benefit yourself or others

    I would try to communicate the feel of things - either "this doesn't feel right" or "oh shit, I think this is what we should do!" but idk how to do it better because the information from dreams is always so misty - what's a silly amalgamation of experiences you've had, and what's an actual analysis of things that might happen?

    how do you convince others that the things your are seeing are really happening without being labeled insane?

    I genuinely don't know about this, because this is a problem I have in my real waking life: patterns and weirdness adding up to problems that cause me an itch that I usually can't express until it's an issue for everyone else, too, and then it's usually too late.

    Take a peek into the multiverse to see how other versions of yourself have solved these problems..

    I think this is the best use of psychedelics - they help you see solutions that are outside your usual, obvious worldview.

      1 year ago

      I've had some experience with mushrooms and it really does change the way you perceive yourself and the world around you. I am definitely a better person for it.

    1 year ago

    (Assuming eveeything is mirrored exactly) Find myself and talk to myself, then convince people by telling them something they would only know, (something like if I can guess a secret of yours tell me something only you would know, then go back to reality and tell the same person that secret and visa versa in the alt reality.) This post seems like its better in !writingprompts

    1 year ago

    I know there's many nights I've spent working on things in some other universe, like working on projects, building things, figuring out stuff, there's other people there, it's like I know them and they know me. Its probably just a dream but what if it isn't?

    Reminds me of the st voy ep where 7of9 visits that alternate place while she regenerates.

      1 year ago

      One universe would be one reality. Go with the multiverse theory that every potential decision creates a new universe, a new reality that followed each option.