• Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Argentina has a "peronist" government now so they're ostensibly anti-imperialist even if they're not left wing.

      • CommieGirl69 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        there's a lot of right-wingers who identify as peronists, the term is pretty vague - it's more like "someone associated with the kirchners" for fernández

        funny thing is that he was presented to me as being a soft centrist like haddad ("conciliador" as we say here), which kinda bummed me out

        but he's actually good and looks even farther left than lula, which, granted, isn't hard to be, but it came as a very positive surprise to me

        new winds are blowing here guys, and they're coming from the left :hexbear-shining:

        • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Damn we have several prominent posters on here from Argentina, could it be ratline related :curious-marx:

          Seriously though that's sounds good. In my limited knowledge of Argentinian politics I also was told he was a center left lib that just opposed US meddling in the continent, but he seems to keep sounding based when I read news about him. Granted that's all foreign relations news though.

          What do you think is next door the left in Argentina?

      • mrbigcheese [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Fernandez is in the Justicialist Party, is it just a social democratic party? Its part of the Frente de Todos which has a majority seats in the gov, and includes a lot of leftist parties including the communist ones.