Permanently Deleted

      10 months ago

      I think it's a good move. I see now that most instances wanted to defederate a few weeks ago. I should have been paying attention.

      Lemmy is awesome. But I guess echo chambers for all crazy kind of beliefs can easily pop up. Even such that glorify war crimes and try to defend them with illogical and irrational statements. I would really want to know if they really believe that absurdities or they are just so much invested they can't say otherwise anymore. But that I will never know.

      • Egon [they/them]
        10 months ago

        A great way to counteract echo chambers is to create your own lmao. Consider the fact that you've been in a bubble of western propaganda for your entire life - You might be the one in the echo chamber! Oh no!

        Most users on hexbear are westerners, we see the same bullshit news stories peddled like you do. We've just got a memory that's slightly longer than that of the average goldfish (which is significantly longer than that of the average lib) so we can for example remember how the same media that is now writing about Ukraine, The Glorious Bastion Of Democracy, wrote about Ukraine The Corrupt Hellhole Where Donald Trump Did Bad Stuff.

        We're also equipped with fingers, hands, arms and eyes, which allows us to look up claims made by the media online, and verify the validity of these claims. So when we read "Russian Soldiers have never seen asphalt before coming to Ukraine" we're able to do the most basic of Google searches like "Does Russia have asphalt", instead of just unquestioningly ingesting the statement. Sometimes we might have to search for more complicated stuff though, it's tricky reading words in the beginning, but you sorta get the hang of it over time.

        These two superpowers mean that when we encounter the same stories as you do - which we do daily - we're able to look into them. This ability has made us distrusting of the claims made by western media about the war, because they have been shown to often lie in order to further the agenda of the United States, and the bourgeois pigs that control the country.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        10 months ago

        defend them with illogical and irrational statements

        Which ones are illogical and irrational? You have not responded to any of them. Point them out, explain why they're illogical or irrational.

      • Egon [they/them]
        10 months ago

        Hey how about you engage with any of the many users that have responded to you? Since you dislike echo chambers so much, and since we're so clearly wrong and since you're so happy to soapbox to an imagined audience, it should be pretty easy for you to prove us wrong, which would gain you even more points with whoever you think is watching.

        10 months ago

        It's good people see for themselves how MAGA deranged these people are parroting QAnon talking points and trying to drag the left into fascism. But until people see it for themselves they think "they can't be that bad". So i guess defederating is to hexbear's advantage because people need to see this clusterfuck. Then they can block the instance. I just needed confirmation.

        • Egon [they/them]
          10 months ago

          Lmao what the fuck are you talking about? What QAnon talking points? What maga? Is it because we don't like Biden? It's because he's the same as trump you dummy.