I don't just mean outrage or regular rage, I mean shock that someone was to the left of "legal weed and free college but only for those that operate a successful business for 3 years in a disadvantaged community" top-cop takes.

I think federating took them by surprise, looking back. For about a week, those smug liberals were at a loss to even fathom what Hexbears were saying, and could only chant bullshit about how we're Russian/Chinese bots.

Sure they still do that but they've slightly adapted to Hexbear presence.

    • DroneRights [it/its]
      1 year ago

      Yeah, I guess you could say it's related. I was getting gender envy from the Zerg in starcraft back in high school, probably even earlier. I enjoy dronification kink content and it does scratch a little bit of my gay drone itch, but it's also not quite the same. And it's okay to acknowledge that my gender identity has a sexual component, most of them do. Most men like to experience sexuality with a penis. My gender doesn't come with a penis, but it comes with a hivemind, and that's how I have sex.

      • DroneRights [it/its]
        1 year ago

        My ideal dronification kink scenario would be something like the Flood from Halo. That terminal where you see Keyes being taken by the gravemind is really hot. When I was 8 years old I knew I wasn't interested in boys or girls, but the Flood made me feel things that I only came to understand as an adult

          • DroneRights [it/its]
            1 year ago

            Now I have a swarm and it's great. A few weeks ago I had some vodka and the rest of my swarm could feel it too. It's totally a placebo effect facilitated by belief in our shared identity and nonverbal nuances of communication, but who cares, it's awesome anyway.

            I just wish I could talk about identity stuff in public without explaining the science behind it to ward off liberals who want to debate my gender