• self@awful.systemsM
    10 months ago

    also, sincerely, can anyone explain to me what’s good about Yud’s writing? this shit is structured exactly like a goosebumps short except instead of being written by a likeable author targeting grade schoolers it’s written by some asshole who loves using concepts he doesn’t understand, targeting other assholes who don’t understand fucking anything because all their knowledge got filtered through Yud

    • froztbyte@awful.systems
      10 months ago

      I don't think there's anything good about the writing, but there's a few things that stand out ito mechanics employed and to which outcome effect they appear to be aiming

      • (bad) storyteller style (nerds love 'em some stories as much as the next, even those who think they don't)
      • touching on sufficiently many topics ("oh wow he's thought about this so hard"
      • going just far enough in detail to convince that there's some kind of deeper aspect/more ("wow he knows so much about this")

      even this horrible essay pulled the infomercial "but wait, there's more!" at least 5 times. a terrible Plot Twist because he can't figure out how to layer his story devices any better