Seeing all the libs on reddit, "I am so nervous I'm literally going in little circles vomiting in my hands" and I wonder exactly how not anxious are you to find out the results? Could I possibly help make you even less anxious?

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Dude, Biden is going to inherit the worst US economy and highest unemployment numbers since the great depression. If there is any 'austerity', it's going to be directed towards us living in the country and he's made that very clear. The last time there was a Democratic supermajority, they became overly concerned with the deficit and so far, they've proven that's going to be their main focus this time around too if they get control of all branches of government.

    Some of you need to seriously understand that the war machine in the US is not a hivemind. It's a small group of capitalists, all with their own interests and motivations that usually are contradicting to one another. There isn't going to be a war with China or any of this other bullshit that is constantly spouted on here which is mostly just edgelords hoping and praying that there is a war. US imperialism has been collapsing since the Obama era. There was plenty of evidence way back in 2011-2012 that things were not improving overseas in Afghanistan and Iraq and since then, they've had even more failures overseas.

    More often than not, we're going to see another great depression in the US with mass protests and uprisings as a result of a government that is unable to do anything to fix the problems we face. The war on terror has already come home and shit is about to get real when there is a massive rightwing backlash to Biden's austerity and the Dems being unable to fix anything. We haven't seen the worst of what is to come yet, but we're getting closer to it.

    • cpfhornet [she/her,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      I didn't really mean war with China is a possibility, I moreso meant they're going to step up the pressure via the IMF to collect from our imperial victims to reduce the huge degree of austerity they're going to impose at home. The non-military industries also rely on the fruits of our neocolonial empire.

      I also think Biden is gonna be more effective in managing our interference in South American and African at-risk-of-socialism nations.